Elevator Shaft

Event Experience

Interest-driven event experience

JUSTADDMETA is committed to driving the mass adoption of web3 applications. By targeting use cases that feel like “the usual” but are web3-powered, people interact with the blockchain without knowing it. With that in mind, we developed a user-friendly mobile app that combines engaging tasks for attendees at fairs or other large events.



Our Partners


“Our bubble” has a heavy jargon with rather high boundaries to enter. What wallet do I need? Which is the right cryptocurrency? What exactly do I sign, when I interact with the blockchain? What NFTs should I buy? Sometimes all these questions needed to be irrelevant for a first seamless experience for new people to explore. Secondly, our skill set needed to be complemented for the development of the mobile app.


Curated tours throughout events, focusing on interest-driven experiences for all visitors. For that we teamed up with our partners from kollektor.io and build a white label solution in form of a tailored-made app for the specific needs of various events and exhibitions. As visitor, I can choose the topics I’m interested in getting to know at the event. According to the choices, exhibitors, panels, and keynotes have to be visited in order to solve small tasks and collect the badges as proof of attendance. This provides qualified leads for the exhibitors, while the visitors have a gamified experience that matches their interests.


While secretly onboarding users into the web3 space, we’ve developed a gamified matchmaker for events. Additionally, we were able to observe our app in action first hand and are constantly optimizing the structure and tasks.


The best thing about it, so much more to integrate

Exclusive access to benefits for the collected digital badges (token gating)

Event network (cross-over experience between events

Integration in existing event apps

Verified leads for exhibitors

Connected loyalty program